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【We Are One Party #24 @ Soul Scramble】

Hey We Are One Members!!
Our #24 party is coming up on June 13th
The venue is a really cool and nice bar located in Gion.
You can spend a relaxing time with the good atmosphere.
開催場所は祇園にあるとてもイケてる素敵な Barです
This is the detail.
【We Are One Party #24】
Date: June 13th/ 6月13日
Time: 19:00-23:00
Entrance: 2200yen (1700yen with a coupon/ クーポンありで1700円)
Venue: Soul Scramble ソウルスクランブル (located in the south of Shijo Nawate)
We'll send you a coupon a few days before the party.



We Are One Team

It is the passion, sincerity and ties between our team staffs that make the whole greater than the sum of its parts.

Tong Cheuk Fung (Program Director)

Home town: Singapore

Hi, I'm Tong. I had just started my new life in Kyoto in the Autumn of 2009 and I am really happy to be part of We Are One, meeting amazing people from around the world in this unique Japanese city. I am a Chemical Engineer by training, and I love cycling and outdoor. I like languages as I speak English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese and some French but Jack of all trades but master of none.

Sandra Fang (Photographer, English editor)
Hometown: Vancouver, Canada

I believe in the power of human connections and that emotions are contagious. And thus we, as a part of this social network should all let love, happiness, and kindness be the ripples and reach out to others.
I also believe in the magic of arts. Through photos and words I share my views of life with all of you. Namaste.

Manami Kimura 木村 真奈美 (Organizer, Jap
anese Editor)
Hometown: Shiga, Japan

*きっとい つか自分の目指す場所へたどり着ける*
旅 行/ダンス/ミュージカル/デザイン/文章を書く/運動/アウトドア/映画/etc,,,何でもします何でも好きです。いつもやりたいことが多すぎて収集がつかない毎 日。でも、そ
今回We Are Oneのスタッフになりました!みんなが一つになり、それぞれの居場所になる、We Are Oneがそん な場所になっていくよう頑張っていきますので、どうぞよろしくお願いします。

Carrie Chan (Marketing Officer, organizer)
Hometown: Hong Kong
Since I first joined We Are One International Party in 2009, I can see the parties have really been impro
ving from time to time. I believe that We Are One will keep providing an enjoyable social network by organizing various kinds of international parties and events for all of our members!!

I love to travel, though most of my traveling time has spent within Japan in the previous years. And my Japanese friends used to say that I know different parts of Japan more than they do! But in fact, I really want to know more about the world, so I plan to travel out of Asia from now on. I can speak Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, and English, so please feel free to chat with me in any of those languages^^
View sadao.jpg in slide show
I hope that everyone will enjoy their lives in Kyoto and let's create an international network together!!

Sadao Tashiro 田代貞雄 (Designer)
Hometown : Fukouka Japan
生まれて専門学校を卒業するまで福岡で育ち、卒業後デンマークのフォルケホイスコーレ(国民高等学校)で約二年間過ごす。海外生活の中で、日本の事を全く知らない自分に気付き、ただ漠然と京都に住もうと決意する。そして、2010年の春京都に移り住み、デンマークで経験した国際交流が京都でもできるのではないかと、We Are Oneのイベントに参加、数回のイベントの参加を経てデザイナーとしてメンバー入りをする。

写真、アート、プロダクト、ファニチャー、すべてのデザインが好きです。感動や衝撃を受ける物には背筋がゾワゾワしてアドレナリンが大量に出たりします。出会いも一緒で、今までいろんな人に助けられ、刺激を受け、ともに成長できる仲間をこれからもどんどん作って行きたい。We Are Oneはそんな私の願いをかなえるのにぴったりな場所です。これからも他のメンバーと一緒に、すてきな出会いを求めていきたいと思います。

林 Weikalossu.Lin (カメラマン)


We Are Oneに参加して凄くうきうきして、知らぬ人の出会いが楽しいんだ。ここは旅人が夢を織るところ。同じ国、同じ顔ではなくても、同じ言葉で話せる。ここに一緒に喜びや一緒に悲しみ。いつか新しい旅を展開する時、新たな物語も始まり。それこそ素敵ではないんか。

Alex Mackain-Bremner (Magician)

I first came into contact with magic at the age of 8 when I was shown some magic by my uncle. At that time I was still unsure if what I was seeing was real magic or if it was me imagining it to be so, but I loved the sensation it left in me and I've been fascinated ever since. I was given a magic set for Christmas and began doing shows for family and friends. I studied magic books and videos of other magicians and practised obsessively as a teenager, attending a magic school for young magicians in NY during the summer holidays where I had the opportunity to learn and perform in front of some of the worlds best magicians. I love magic for its capacity of as an artform to transcend barriers and to captivate people's imagination.


Our Members' Voice

I am glad to meet a lot of people in We Are One, and that experience thinks to be a very good thing for me.
I am interested in a design and want to do creative activity in Kyoto. It may be had an experience having very good that I support We Are One for me. I can make some designs, poster postcard and any other kind of design for We Are One

sadao tashiro

Mino Kosmadaki
Hi there and thank you for your interest.
Unfortunately I am not in Japan before August so I cannot comment on the latest activities.
I would however like to commend you for this most excellent initiative and will do what I can to take part in high spirit the next time I am in Kyoto. (I will work hard for it).
Keep up the good work and please do continue to bring these wonderful experiences to those around you.
Most peace and love.

Jaqueline Symalla
hi, the party we met was damn good...we really enjoyed it.Now I have a lot to do for university, so I am not able to join in events, but I want to go on june 3rd to sam and dave...so we'll see there!
Tomoyo Yamada

毎回楽しませてもらっています。国籍も様々の新しい人と出会えるので、とても良い経験になります\(^o^)/ 意外と回数が多いので毎回は行けないですが、これからも行けるときは行こうと思います
Tomoyo Yamada
Sadao Wassvik-Kobayashi

Sadao Wassvik-Kobayashi
hmm well its a nice event to meet new people, both Japanese and people from other countries.
usually there's a lot of people coming to the events so there's seldom a dull moment

Mikako Doe

Thank you for your message.
I really enjoyed the last party!!
I hope to join again :)
thanks :)
Mikako Doe

Hey Tong,
Thanks for the message.
My girlfriend and I, really like the 'we are on - international parties'. We think they're a great opportunity to meet people from all over the world and have had a great time while doing it.
We haven't gone to many of the recent parties because the venues they've been held in. We thought these bars had a high cover charge, expensive drinks and a were a little too cramped.
(unfortunately the world of English teaching isn't as lucrative as people often seem to think :( )
I really liked the hanami party and would be happy to attend another event like that, or an event in a larger bar / a bar with cheaper drinks and a lower cover.
Thanks again for the email,


Carrie Chan
Since my first time to join the party last year, I do see there were a lot of improvements made to modify the parties.
The most obvious one is that there is now more variations in We are one's events. I quite appreciate the recent events like the hanami, French dinner party, Water rafting etc.. Though I cannot say I am an active guest for all We are one's events, I think more variations in the events do allow people of different backgrounds to join these events easier. What I mean is that, when a party is value-added where people can enjoy more than just drinking with all the inernational people, then surely the events are more attractive.
Another thing I would like to mention is the number of parties held every month now. As compared to once a month in the old times, now there are like 3~4 events a month. I think this is mainly due to the increased number of organizers for We are One. Frankly speaking, there are both pros and cons for this change though. It is true that more parties give more chances for people to join as everybody have their own schedules. But as I believe quality is more important than quantity, more parties do not mean it must be better for all. So I hope you guys would maintain the quality of each party(e.g. good places, overall atmosphere, etc.) even you have more parties now.
That's all I think about We are Once now. Thanks for always organizing all the great events! I think everybody would appreciate your efforts in organizing the parties~:) 

Den Wei
We Are One, is a great event group that brings diverse people together especially foreigners that are living in Kyoto. The events are fun, and often held in 'fresh' pop places. Everybody is friendly and if you have time or feel like having fun please stop by one of their events, you will definitely have a great time!

Naomi Kataoka

職場ではパソコンに向かってひたすら地味なオフィスワーク。今日一日、誰とも会話らしい会話しなかった(^_^;)と反省する事もしばしば。このままではマズイ!ちゃんと人とつながりを大切にしなきゃと思い始めて、たまたま見つけたサークルがWe are One Internationalでした。 

このイベントサークルでいいなと思っているところは、現役バリバリの学生さんから社会人の方まで年齢層も幅広く、参加者の出身国も実に様々でインターナショナルなところ。 エンジニア、研究者、学校の先生、起業家、ビジネスマン、etc いろんなキャリアを持った方々と話ができたり、英語のブラッシュアップにもなっているのでそれも楽しいです。 

あと、ただ集まって飲んで食べて・・・というだけではなく、その時々に例えば、花火大会、ワークショップ、ライブ、社会人ネットワーキング, 映画製作のためのfund-raising, etc、 テーマ性があるというか目的意識を持って企画運営されているところにも魅力を感じています。 これからも時間が許す限り、積極的に参加して友達の輪を広げて行きたいと思っています。(~o~)

Gary Bloom
I've attended lots of different We Are One events.  Each one has had its own character, thanks to the creativity and hard work of the WAO crew.  A preview of an upcoming documentary, a rooftop party with live music, networking parties featuring inspiring talks by people who are accomplished in their fields, all were a lot of fun.  

There are always plenty of new faces, to be sure.  But there are lots of regulars, too, and it's nice to touch base with people I've seen at other events, to catch up with what's been going on with them.  It's this kind of down to earth, friendly feeling that the WAO staff is so good at cultivating.  People tend to come again and again because it's such a welcoming, warm atmosphere, and even if you come by yourself,  it's easy to make new friends.  Regardless of the the theme, there's always plenty of time to just mingle and make new connections.

One other thing I noticed right away that sets WAO apart is that after the check-in table is put away, it's hard to tell the staff from the guests!  They somehow manage to take care of all the details while partying at least as hard as everyone else.  It makes for a really fun time, like being at a friend's house party.  Such a contrast to other events where the staff seems there only to collect the money!  

Looking forward to seeing everyone again soon, thanks for all you do to keep it flowing!

Gary Bloom

It was more of my interest in the theme of a documentary preview than “We Are One” itself which brought me to join their event last October, and that was my first contact with WAO. In every moment of your life, you see, meet, and feel new things and that’s why first impressions are very important. After having good times at following Japanese and Chinese New Year’s parties (my 2nd and 3rd WAO experiences), I have to admit that I have fell in love with concepts, people, and most importantly, sense of international community that WAO has to 

Misako Ozawa


About We Are One

This is a group for people who love meeting new people from all over the world, chatting with others, drinking, and partying around the Kansai area.
Monthly parties are held at bars in Kyoto, Japan.

We welcome anybody only if you like to enjoy.
Feel free to contact us and join the parties!!





If you have an account on mixi, join our mixi's group too!

Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?v=info&ref=ts&gid=186080330553

Subscribe to our newsletter for the information about the party and discount coupons.

Send email to register


We Are One International Party @ Kyoto #23

Hello We Are One Members!!

Surprisingly, our first event in June is gonna be held at SAM & DAVE KYOTO with a special entrance fee for We Are One members!!
あの京都Sam & DaveをWe Are Oneならではの低価格で

Altough it's a weekday, Thursday, I'm sure it's gonna be a hot event.
平日木曜日ではありますが、こんなアツいイベント は

Let's spend a great night together at this famous place in Kyoto!!

【We Are One Party #23 @ Sam & Dave Kyoto】

When: 8pm-11pm, June 3rd
Where: Sam & Dave Kyoto
Entrance:2000yen with 2 drinks (500yen off with a coupon)

日時:6月3日 8pm-11pm
場 所:Sam & Dave Kyoto
入 場料: 2000円 2ドリンク(クーポンで500円off)

*You're required to show your ID at the entrance. People aged under 20 years old can not enter this time.
エ ントランスで身分証の提示をお願いいたします。今回は20歳未満の方は入場をお断りいたします。

Want a coupon?
Send us a message to the address below with your full name.

クーポンほしいです か?



We Are One White Water Rafting + BBQ

What's a better way to celebrate the arrival of summer than to take on a water rafting challenge with friends followed with a BBQ out by the river surrounded by mountains? On May 30th, 22 We Are One International members including organizers went out of the concrete urban jungle and embrace the nature in Seta River of Shiga-ken.

In our wet suits we took three boats with one coach on each. Guided by their expertise and sense of humour we practice rescue techniques with laughter. It wasn't until when we've all fallen into the water a few time, were we both physically and mentally prepared for the bigger waves.

Paddling down the stream we confronted with two rapid waves. Our team morale was as high as our adrenaline level. We passed the test with the help of teamwork.

After the physical challenge we continue our day with a BBQ under the cloudless blue sky surrounded by water and pristine green mountains. The music goes on, and so does our laughter.

緑の山々に囲まれた自然あふれる川でのウォーターラフティング。初夏を迎えるのにこれ以上素晴らしいイベントはないでしょう。5月30日、主催者を含む22人のWe Are Oneメンバーが、都会と自然が重なり合う"コンクリートジャングル"、滋賀県の瀬田川でウォーターラフティングに挑戦しました!


