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Travelers' Lunch (Mexico) @ Cafe Frosch

As an extension to our Travelers’ Night, We Are One is collaborating with Café Frosch to introduce Travelers’ Lunch where not only you can listen to the local presenter telling stories about their beautiful country but you can also satisfy your taste buds with their exotic local delicacies.

To begin with, Elsa from Mexico will be sharing with us some secret information for adventurous travelers like you. We will also have a chance to try out her authentic Mexican cooking. So RSVP by 7th May  and join us. 

Traveller’s Lunch – Mexico - -NEW-
- WeAreOne Japan x Café Frosch's 3rd collab! - 
Date & Time: 14th May 2011 Saturday, 1300~1500
Venue: Café Frosch, Kyoto
557-7 Higashiyanagi-cho,
Itsutsuji-dori, Shichihonmatsu agaru,
Kamigyo-ku, Nishijin-Kyoto
Cost: 2500yen (includes set Mexican Global Lunch)
Reservation required by 12th May
RSVP with your name & nationality to we.are.one.japan@gmail.com


We Are One は「トラベラーズナイト」の延長として「カフェフロッシュ」

と協賛し「トラベラーズランチ」を開催します。 このイベントではプレゼンテーターの出身国である美しい国の話を聞けるだけでなく、その地域のエキゾチックなご馳走があなたの味覚を満たしてくれることでしょう。

Cooking by Elsa

 Cooking by Elsa

■ トラベラーズランチ - メキシコ- NEW-
- We Are One International x Café Froschコラボ第3弾!-
Cafe Frosch が誇るグローバルランチを楽しみながら、グローバルキッチンスタッフにご当地のシークレット旅行情報を聞いてみませんか?

Cooking by Elsa

日時: 2011514日 1:00 PM ~3:00 PM
場所: カフェ フロッシュ 京都

参加費: 2,500円(メキシコランチセットを含む) 完全予約制、締め切りは5月12日



International Movie Night, インターナショナル・ムービーナイト Infernal Affairs (2002 Hong Kong)

Text by Misako Ozawa

When Tong asked me what I know about Hong Kong movies a while ago, my answer was, “aw, Jackie Chan? action movies?” Now, after having seen the great movie “Infernal Affairs”, I knew that was a silly and naïve answer I wish I could take back.

It goes without saying that Tony Leung is attractive (I think he is more of my type than Andy Lau in this movie!), but what makes him a great actor is that he grabbed our heart by his sad and disconsolate look when he lost his most trusted and somehow fatherly boss in return for his life. There were several more scenes as shocking and thrilling as this one, like when the most stupid looking mafioso sacrificed his life to save the police officer 陳永仁. I’m not quite sure what kind of genre this film should be categorized into, but I have a strong feeling that we were all taught about one thing; There’s no bad men by nature. It’s your choice to be a bad person or a good person. 

Though I liked the movie very much and can’t wait to see its prequel as well as sequel, we were all so depressed by the sad ending that when and how Tong initiated a quiz time right away, as if we were watching a fun and happy movie, we burst into laughter. Tong, I think you want to learn how to read the atmosphere, or give us more elaborate questions other than what the names of the two main characters are!! I admit though, that it changed the dark mood and triggered our own discussions between neighbor friends! (And maybe I shouldn’t complain about it at all, as I won the prize thanks to that easy quiz!)


The movie was followed by nice chats and mingling. I was so amused to meet a new friend with the same name and kanji as mine. It was nice meeting you, Misa-chan! Alright, buddies, see you soon!

To understand a country’s culture, we can study its language, history or make a vacation trip for some first hand experiences. Here is another option. We Are One together with Cafe Frosch, is going to help everyone to achieve similar experiences with sounds and images at our International Movie Night.
At our International Movie Night, we will be show casing films from various countries around the world. Besides commercial films, occasionally, there will also be independent short films from international film markers who are trying to convey a message, or express their less known cultures through the lenses.

Come join our International Movie Night on every first Saturday evening in a traditional Machiya café. Enjoy a film, and add a few more internationally-minded friends on your facebook at the end of the evening. Pay attention to the film and win yourself some prizes too.

Who should come?
-       If you are learning the language of the film.
-       If you are internationally-minded and wish to find your same kind.
-       If you are interested in international films or independent films.
-       If you are sick of bars and pubs on a Saturday evening and a hangover the next morning.

About the Movie

Infernal Affairs (2002) is a Hong Kong crime-thriller film directed by Andrew Lau and Alan Mak. It tells the story of a police officer who infiltrates the Triads, and a police officer secretly working for the same gang. The Chinese title means "the non-stop path", a reference to Avici, the lowest level of hell in Buddhism. The English title is a word play combining the law enforcement term 'internal affairs' with the adjective Infernal. Due to its commercial and critical success, Infernal Affairs was followed by a prequel,Infernal Affairs II, and a sequel, Infernal Affairs III, both released in 2003, as well as the previously mentioned 2006 American remake, The Departed.  Pre-release publicity for Infernal Affairsfocused on its star-studded cast but it later received critical acclaim for its original plot and its concise and swift storytelling style. The film did exceptionally well in Hong Kong, where it was considered "a box office miracle" and heralded as a revival of Hong Kong cinema which at the time was considered to be direly lacking in creativity.
     The film features all the members of the popular Hong Kong 'Cantopop' group EO2, playing Triad boss Hom Sam's men. One member of this group has subsequently become a lead actor (Osman Hung).  Miramax Films acquired the United States distribution rights of this film and gave it a limited US theatrical release in 2004.

Date & Time: 7th May 2011 Saturday, 1800~2100
Movie title: Infernal Affairs (2002) 無間道,Hong Kong, Cantonese, Japanese subtitle
Venue: Café Frosch, Kyoto
557-7 Higashiyanagi-cho,
Itsutsuji-dori, Shichihonmatsu agaru,
Kamigyo-ku, Nishijin-Kyoto
1800 Registration & Mingling (Dinner option: try out from Cafe Frosch' menu)
1930 Introduction & Movie Starts
2100 Quiz & Prizes
2115~ More mingling

Cost: 1000yen with RSVP (1 drink & snacks included)

One coin (500 yen) dishes, like jacket potatoes and guacamole as well as dishes from Cafe Frosch regular menu will be served. 

This is a private event, participants must RSVP.
RSVP with your name & nationality to we.are.one.japan@gmail.com

ある国の文化を理解するにはその国の言葉や歴史を勉強する、あるいはその国を旅して直に体験してみるという手段がありますが、もう一つの選択肢があります。We Are One ではインターナショナル・ムービーナイトで皆さんがサウンドと映像によって同様の体験が得られるようお手伝いをします。インターナショナル・ムービーナイトでは世界各国からのさまざまな映画を紹介していきます。商業フィルムのほかに、時には何らかのメッセージを伝えようと試みたり、レンズを通してあまり知られていない文化を表現しようとしている国際的視野を持った映画製作者による自主制作ショートフィルムになることもあります。




日時: 201157日 6:00 PM 9:00 PM

映画:インファナル・アフェア/無間道 (香港、広東語、日本語字幕)
場所: カフェ フロッシュ 京都

6:00 開場ー交流タイム(お食事 できます)7:30 映画の紹介ー上映
9:00 賞品の当たる
9:15 ~ 
タ イム

参加費: 1,000円(ワンドリンク&スナックを含む) <完全予約制>

プライベートイ ベントにつき、必ず事前に予約をしてください。

カフェ フロッシュ ー 西陣、京都 週末のブランチ ー アートイベント ー 幼児の遊戯室
カフェ フロッシュは京都北西部の伝統的な西陣地区の公園前にあります。くつろいだ町屋スタイルの雰囲気で日本料理と多国籍料理の両方をリラックスして楽しむことができる場所を提供しています。また時折、小さなコンサートや美術展なども開催しています。


Japanese Sign Language 日本手話

English & Japanese Text by Carrie Chan

We usually use body language to get to communicate with people who don't share a common speaking language, but how well can you do it? Sign languages, which are mostly based on gestures showing the corresponding actions or subjects, may help in improving your skills in expressing yourself apart from being just a language used to communicate with deaf people.


During the workshop, Japanese sign language on simple words, numbers, colours and hiragana were taught. Every participants can now communicate with each other in Japanese Sign Language, we can use hiragana to express what we wanna say even we do not know the exact sign language for that specific word.


There is a simple quiz game which helped participants to memorize the sign language. Participants were also divided into pairs to practice with each other. The two hours passed so fast where we were all busying with twisting our fingers and elbow as we were practicing the sign language.


As a workshop at beginner level, it was a very successful one on teaching participants some useful basic sign languages, and it also aroused participants' interest about the language. Thank you Danny for the patience!


Have you ever seen Sign Language and thought it looked cool but assumed that it
may be too difficult to learn? Ever wonder what Deaf people are talking about?
Or wonder how they talk, only with their hands?
DeafJapan presents "Basic Japanese Sign Language 101"
We are going to show you how easy it is to learn Japanese Sign Language (JSL).
- How to introduce yourself
- JSL fingerspelling, Numbers, Colors, "5 w's" and "How"
- How to say what you like and dislike
Communicate visually, effectively and quickly with Japanese Sign Language.
- Will improve your understanding of Japanese Culture and Kanji
- Meet new people who can use sign language
- Have conversations silently and secretly
- Communicate across a room or street without yelling
- Communicate at a noisy club or bar easily
- Communicate through glass or while snorkeling/scuba diving
- Once you've learned one Sign Language, it is easy to learn another countries
Sign Language.

Fee: ¥1000 (includes one free drink)
Date: April 24, 2011
Time: 14:00 - 16:00
Place: Zen Cafe 418 Nayacho, Shichijo-agaru, Dotemachi-dori, Shimogyo-ku,
Kyoto city, Japan 600-8142

DeafJapan has been teaching Sign Language in the Kansai area for 6 years.
We look forward to signing with you.


難しいのでは... と思っているあなた。
デフジャパンはワークショップ "基本の日本手話 101" を開催致します
日本手話 (JSL) を勉強するのは、想像していたよりも案外簡単だということがおわか

- 自己紹介
- 指文字、数字、色
- 疑問詞 (いつ、どこ、誰、何、どちら、どのように)
- 自分の好き嫌い

- 日本文化と漢字の理解力を高めるための手助けになる。
- 手話を使う人たちと仲良くなれる。
- 内緒話ができる。
- 相手が部屋や道の向こう側にいても、大声を出すことなく会話ができる。
- 騒がしいクラブやバーにいても、簡単にコミュニケーションができる。
- ガラスの向こう側にいる時や、シュノーケリング、スキューバダイビングをしている
- 一度手話を覚えれば、その他の国の手話も簡単に覚えられる。

参加費用: 1,000円でドリンク1杯付き
日付: 2011年4月24日 (日)
時間: 14時~16時
場所: Zen Cafe 〒600-8142京都市下京区土手町通七条上る納屋町418
ご質問は deafjapan@deafjapan.com までメールをお送りください。
