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We Are One Café Workshop & Seminar Series: Photography Workshop @ おでかけ日和(Odekakebiwari)

-- Sandra

The photography industry has recently undergone a dramatic change. Technology has made photo taking easier and cheaper than ever. Interest in this field has risen over the years.

To foster ideas and to connect photographers together, We Are One International held a photography workshop at Cafe Odekakebiwari. Presenters Tamago Gogogo and We Are One photographer Lin shared their philosophy and the secrets to take good photos.

In a cozy and artistic corner of Café Odekakebiwari, guests swapped business cards, thoughts, and photo albums for others to look at. We Are One organizers also threw a surprise birthday party for Lin!

We were glad to see guests came with their photos to share with others. From their photos we saw the way they see the world. We Are One is learning from each event and experience aiming to bring more enjoyable and meaningful events to our members! Thank you everyone who attended and we hope to see you again soon!

Café Tour – Photography workshop (Nov 21st/2010)
If you are an enthusiast of photography and would like meet other amateur or professional photographers to share the joy, ideas, and passion with, then you are welcome to join us at this photography workshop! All levels are welcome!
With the tremendous advancement in digital imaging technology in the last few years, taking good pictures never seemed easier! However, taking great photos has a lot more to do with the thoughts and skills of the person taking the photos than the camera itself.  During this workshop, two guest speakers will give presentations on the art of photography. If you’re looking for inspirations and fellow photographers to network with, don’t miss this chance!

Date & Time:
Nov 21st 2010 7pm to 9pm
Location: おでかけ日和(Odekakebiwari)
     京都市中京区三条油小路南東角 三条油小路町145-1
1500yen (includes 1 drink) for those who register by email. 2000yen (includes 1 drink) for those without registration.

Please send the following to we.are.one.japan@gmail.com
Contact number & mobile email address (optional)
A sentence or two about your experience of photography

What to bring: 
some photos to show others, some questions in mind to ask the presenters, name cards to pass around.
Each person brings one print of your best photos with description to enter the WAO photo contest. Guests vote for their favorites. The top three winners will get free drink coupons from WAO which can be used for future events. 
(The photograph must not contain obscene, provocative, defamatory, sexually explicit, or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate content. ^^)

There will be announcement of photography exhibitions, photography courses, events around town.
Event rundown:
7:15pm                   WAO introduction & Announcement
7:20pm-7:40pm    Tamago’s show time!
7:40pm-8:00pm    Lin’s show time!
8:00pm-8:30pm    your chance to mingle with other photographers and to vote for your favorite photos
8: 40pm                   Announcement of the winners
8:40pm-9:00pm     More networking and exchanging photography ideas

Speakers’ profiles

Weikalossu Lin (林)
Leader of Weikalossu Originality Marketing Studio
Artistic Director of Floud Cloud Limited Liability Company
Staff of Taiwan Backpackers Group

Theme: Having fun with photography for amateurs
Photography Profile
2006~2007 Chief Photographer for “Village Art & Civil Art” by Taiwan Cultural Development Committee.
2009 Commissioned by Taiwan Cultural Development Committee as Chief Photographer for a project in Niigata
2010 Chief Photographer for Kyoto Trouble in Paradise Exhibition

Tamago Gogogo

Tamago arrived in Japan in 2007. After coming to Japan, he was amused by the design and photography industry of Japan and hence he has since indulge himself in the world of design and photography. His artist name or nick name “TamagoG” came about because he wants to work on design and photography for life starting from an “egg”.

One year later, together with a few like-minded friends, they established a design studio named “LDope” and have since actively working on it. End of 2009, before graduating from a Japanese school, he opened a gallery with the name “TamagoG”. Currently, he is engaging himself in research work in design and photography at Kyoto University of Deign & Art’s graduate school while at the same time running “LDope”.

もし写真に熱中しているなら、もし写真のアマチュアやプロの人達に出会ってアイディアや情熱を分かち合いたいなら、このphotography workshopに参加するべきです!どんなレベルの写真家でも大歓迎!

場所: おでかけ日和(Odekakebiwari)
     京都市中京区三条油小路南東角 三条油小路町145-1

下記の事項を記入してこちらにメールしてください/ we.are.one.japan@gmail.com

それぞれみなさん、自分の撮った写真の中で一番良いと思う写真とその写真の説明を添えてを持ってきてください!the WAO photo contestにみなさんの写真を集め、参加者の投票によってトップ3を決めたいと思います!詳細にはWAOから次回のイベントで使えるフリードリンクチケットが送られます。(中傷的な写真、わいせつな写真、差別的な写真などはやめてください)

19:15      WAOによるイントロダクションおよびアナウンスメント
19:20~19:40   Tamagoさんによるプレゼン
19:40~20:00   リンさんによるプレゼン
20:00~20:30   交流の時間、好きな写真への投票の時間
20:40          トップ3の発表
20:40~21:00   交流の時間


Weikalossu Lin(林/リン)

Floud Cloud Limited Liability Companyのアーティストディレクター
Taiwan Backpackersグループのリーダー


2006~2007 台湾文化建設委員会で「芸術下郷と公民美学」プランに撮影担当
2009 台湾文化建設委員会の仕事で新潟に取材
2010 京都Trouble in Paradise/生存のエシックス展覧会に撮影担

Tamago Gogogo

2007年末、来日しました。日本に来てから、日本のデザインと写真の凄さにショックされて、すぐデザインと写真の世界にはまり込んでしまいました。さら に、一生のデザインと写真の卵としてやっていきたいから、『TamagoG』という芸術名且つニックネームを付けたわけです。一年の後、台湾の同好友達と 一緒に『LDope』というデザインスタジオを立ち上げて、活躍してきました。2009年末、日本語学校卒業する直前に『tamagog』と始めのギャラ リーを開きました。今は京都造形芸術大学の大学院でデザインと写真のことについて研究しながら、『LDope』を運営しています。